Process Journal
Your process journal is your self reflective tool.
IT MUST BE USED EVERY SHIFT. It needs to be with you when you complete notes so you can add key words you feel you need to explore . It should always be with you in debrief! This is where you can take notes about what to do in their next session.
This isn't a legal obtainable document, so rest assured it will never be seen by anyone. It is to aid you in your practice.
It helps you to audit your thoughts and feelings, keeps you aware of projection and transference... but most of all it keeps you accountable for your therapeutic presence during sessions.
It helps you to observe yourself in that exchange.
Self reflexive practice is the most important aspect of being a therapist... you must know what is yours and what is theirs. Self awareness is key to knowing that you are providing your client with what they need.
Your process journal can be a collection of any expression you choose. It is quick 5-10mins max. What is recorded in that journal should only really make sense to you.
spontaneous mark making of colour line and shape
pick a symbol and sketch it quickly
poetic response with key words
free association writing (right off the top of your head, no planning)
You can also process through movement and sound. Be sure to manage what energy sticks to you, and release it between clients. Sing/dance/shake/stretch/breathe/sage/have a pause of a few minutes to reclaim your own energy as an empty vessel.